Here is what church leaders are saying about Your Personalized Bible
One of the innovative bible apps and websites (in reference to ToYouBible App, the previous name used for the earlier version of BiblefyMe).
American Bible Society http://bibletld.org/blog/post/a-list-of-innovative-bible-apps-and-websites-2015#.VbopglI8KJJ
The Songs of Solomon in the BiblefyMe App made me fall in love with my wife again. I thought as I read through that as well as other passages of the Bible that this is really a life application Bible. The personalised passages had effect on me. The promises felt more real, and the conditions attached to them challenged me a bit more. I imagine the amount of time invested in this project and must commend you and your team for a job well done. With BiblefyMe, we have a life-changing product in our hands. I pray God's favour on it, believing that God will use it to heal individuals, families, organizations and nations in Jesus' name.
Dr. Sam AdeyemiPastor & Leadership Coach, Faculty Member, Global Leadership Summit
The BiblefyMe App is an innovative idea. As people already use printed personalised Bibles, the app takes things to another level and makes personalisation available to millions via technology. It also makes it mobile.Thank you!
Leke Alder Strategy, Policy & Brand, Consultant Principal, Alder Consulting
This is a great thing that you are doing. Personalizing the Bible to one is great. I know often times when a woman reads the Bible things seem so male centric ( I mentioned this in a paper for school before) but replacing with ones name is great. I found out about the Bible App through Faith News. Thank you,
T. Banks, Ph.D. Bible Scholar
This Application will help you enjoy and apply the word of God more effectively. Please get it. I’m sure it will be of immense blessing to you.
Dr. Sunday Adelaja Pastor, & Bible Scholar