About Us

Introducing BiblefyMe:
Your Personalized Bible App

Welcome to BiblefyMe, the revolutionary Bible app designed to enhance your meditation and connection with God’s Word. Created by Dr. Gregory Ijiwola, an evangelical pastor, la over and student of God’s inerrant word and a graduate of Moody Theological Seminary.BiblefyMe was designed to help you experience the transformative power of personalized scriptures.

Dr. Gregory Ijiwola understands firsthand the profound impact of personalizing Bible passages. Through his own spiritual journey, he discovered the incredible depth and relevance that arises when reading the Word of God with personalization. Inspired by this revelation, he felt a strong calling from the Spirit of God to develop a Bible app that would make this experience accessible to everyone.

Months of dedication and meticulous study went into the creation of BiblefyMe. Dr. Ijiwola delved into the Bible repeatedly, carefully selecting verses that could be hermeneutically applied to every individual. He then developed a unique coding system, allowing these passages to be seamlessly personalized with the name of the reader. The result is a transformative tool that brings the Word of God to life in a deeply personal way.

With BiblefyMe, you can embark on a remarkable journey of spiritual growth and connection. As you open the app, you will be greeted by a vast collection of personalized Bible passages, each tailored to resonate with your own name and identity. As you read, meditate, and reflect upon these scriptures, you will experience a profound sense of intimacy and relevance, knowing that God’s Word is speaking directly to you.